Should You Get a Waterproof Golf Bag? It’s a No Brainer
Anyone who spends or plans to spend more than a few days playing golf will inevitably be on the golf course at some point when it starts to rain.
I may be particularly sensitive to this topic having grown up learning my golf in Scotland but it happens to us all, in every part of the golfing world no matter how much we try to avoid it.
And if it’s raining and you plan on still being able to hit any kind of decent shots it’s vital that are able to keep your clubs and golf gear dry and that’s where a waterproof golf bag comes in most handy.
But if you really do never plan on playing any golf ever in the rain is it still worth spending the extra money on a waterproof golf bag?
A waterproof golf bag is worth it whether you play in an area where it rains a lot or not. As a general rule waterproof golf bags are more durable and robust and will therefore protect your clubs and belongings from damage as well as water. Without one you also will find it difficult to continue to play if it rains.
I know golf is an expensive hobby however and at Golfing Focus we never want to let golfers of any standard spend more money to enjoy the game than they have to.
With so many golf accessories as well as golf clubs available to buy these days it is understandable that many beginners and those relatively new to the game want to ensure they don’t waste money on golf items they don’t need.
However when it comes to waterproof golf bags we would always advise getting one for a number of reasons including the main one that with just a bit of research you will most likely be able to find one which is not much more expensive than other non-waterproof versions.
Are Waterproof Golf Bags Worth the Extra Money?
One thing all golfers can agree on is that golf is a hard game to play consistently well.
When the sun is splitting the skies and there is not a breath of wind it is already hard to get the golf ball into the hole in as few shots as possible. Add a bit of rain to the equation and shots that were already hard become even harder in 3 key ways:
- Grip – keeping a good grip of both the club and the ground as hands, golf grips and the ground gets wet becomes ever more challenging when playing golf in the rain.
- Distance – In wet conditions the golf ball does not as far as when it rains humidity in the air is increased because of the evapouration. Humidity creates thicker air which then leads to increased resistance to the golf ball in flight.
- Control – Rain also affects the trajectory of the golf ball as club grooves and dimples on the golf ball filled with water make getting clean contact with the ball much harder. The ball therefore has more of chance of ‘slipping’ on the water up the club face and this leads to shots flying more sporadically.
Having a waterproof golf bag doesn’t help much with the issues of lost distance and control but it can certainly help with helping you maintain a good grip of your clubs as best you can in the wet.
[Editor’s note – If you are interested in the full details of how rain affects your golf game and how you can best prepare to deal with it check out the article we wrote on this here.]
Keeping your clubs, golf gloves, towels etc dry as you walk around a wet golf course in the rain is exactly what a waterproof golf bag is designed to do and for that reason alone it is worth the investment if you plan on hitting any semblance of a good shot in wet conditions.
Choose a non-waterproof golf bag instead and get caught in the rain and you will likely find yourself not only struggling to hit golf golf shots as every golf item you own but also wasting your golf bag investment.
Because too much water can damage a golf bag over time.
This means that you will be forced to replace a golf bag that is not waterproof much more quickly than you otherwise would if you happen to play in your fair share of rain or wet conditions.
Since a waterproof golf bag functions the same way as any other bag, you cannot go wrong with having the extra protection.
And the best news is that price difference is not that much between waterproof and non-waterproof golf bags.
Although other factors such as weight, strength and storage also affect cost in addition to whether a golf bag is waterproof or not our research found a number of waterproof golf bags which were only $40-60 more expensive than others which were not.
Given how long good golf bags last however – I have had my current one for close to 10 years – that’s not a lot of money spread over time especially when you consider it will keep your main investment – your clubs – in better shape whether it’s raining or not.
What Happens if Your Golf Bag Gets Wet?
Owning a waterproof golf bag can save you a lot of hassle.
If your bag is not waterproof and it gets wet there are a few things you will need to do almost immediately after your round.
Failing to follow this advice could result in your clubs, bag and other personal items becoming damaged.
If your non-waterproof bag gets wet you will want to do the following:
- Take everything our of the pockets to dry out.
- Take the clubs out of the bag and bring them into your house.
- Take the bag and turn it upside down so it can dry out.
The key is to get your golf bag as dry as possible as quickly as you can.
Since items in a non-waterproof bag are likely to get quite wet, you will also want to spread those out on a flat surface and try to dry them as quickly as possible in order to save them.
Although it is still good practice to dry your gear off after a wet round even when using a waterproof bag you will find this job a massive amount easier and less hassle with a good waterproof bag.
Trust me a wet golf bag can take a while to dry out completely and if you are having to do this on a consistent basis with a non-waterproof one you will find it a big hassle.
And remember it does not have to be raining for your gear to get wet. Simply placing a non-wateproof golf bag on wet ground as you play your shots throughout a round can just as easily get things wet as the rain does.
‘Wetness’ when it comes to golf is not only an issue when it comes to continuing to try and hit good golf shots as we have noted above but it also can cause damage to your clubs.
If not dealt with therefore a consistently wet golf bag can damage your clubs.
This is because the dampness from the bag will spread to the clubs and particularly the golf shaft. When this happens rust can form and end up damaging the structural integrity of the club. Keeping golf clubs dry therefore is vital to keeping them in good condition.
What are the Best Waterproof Golf Bags on the Market?
The best waterproof golf bags on the market currently are those that consistently and effectively keep your grips, shafts and personal belongings dry when the weather on the course turns soggy.
Great waterproof bags do not have to be the most overly expensive option either and here are a few options we have found for you to check out on Amazon now:
- Titleist Players 4 Plus StaDry Stand Bag – weighs only 2kg making it ideal for those who walk the course. All of the seams are sealed and zip shut to keep the water out. In addition it has great stabilty when using the stand, even in windy weather.
- PowaKaddy Dri Tech Cart Bag – a great functional waterproof golf bag ideal for use on golf carts and known for its robustness and ability to keep your golf gear dry even when a sudden downpour comes out of nowhere.
- Big Max Aqua 8 Stand Bag – this waterproof bag only has 5 pockets but they are all spacious and seal up nicely. It also has a cooler pocket that comes in handy when you want to keep your beverage cool.
- Motocaddy HydroFlex Stand Bag – a great versatile waterproof golf bag that you can use either as a cart or carry bag. The quick-release strap has got the thumbs up from many a golfer while the nylon fabric is TPU-coated for extra waterproofing.
[Editor’s note – When choosing a waterproof golf bag watch out for the difference between those that are ‘water-resistant’ and those that are ‘waterproof’. A water-resistant material is so tightly woven that water struggles to get through but it can only stand up to so much rain. A waterproof material, on the other hand, provides a complete barrier to water.]
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