How Long Does a Round of Golf Take – for 1, 2, 3 & 4 Players? (With Calculator)
Ever wondered why a round of golf can sometimes feel endless? You’re not alone!
According to an R&A survey of 56,000 golfers in 122 countries, 60% of players said they would enjoy golf more if rounds took less time.
A USGA symposium of experts added to this by revealing that golfers would pay an average of 9.1% more in green fees for a 15-30 minute improvement in pace of play.
Clearly, the question of how long a round of golf should take is important to players everywhere.
Based on the R&A’s guidelines for “time par” on a standard par-72 course, here’s a quick estimate for a round of 18 holes of golf depending on group size:
- 4 players: 3 hours 54 minutes
- 3 players: 3 hours 32 minutes
- 2 players: 3 hours
- 1 player: 2 hours 28 minutes
But is that case closed? Not quite.
Many factors influence how long a round takes, and as any regular golfer knows only to well achieving a sub-four-hour round for four players is often more of a dream than a reality.
Indeed the game’s governing bodies – the USGA and R&A – are frequently at pains to illustrate that the statement that “a round of golf should take 4 hours or less” is a myth.
So let’s dig deeper, and through our calculator together with details of the ‘actual’ factors that affect how long a round of golf takes and what you can do about them, give you a clearer idea of how long it should take to play your next 18 holes of golf!
Using ‘Time Par’ to Estimate How Long It Takes to Play a Round of Golf
Before playing a round recently I overheard a nearby group of non-golfers say the following about how long it takes to play golf:
- “It just takes so long.”
- “It takes too much time.”
- “I was at the driving range and that’s about my limit!”
Golf has a perception problem in the eyes of some regarding how long it takes to play. In addition, there is no ‘official’ data to calculate how long the average round of golf should take.
There is also no official policy across the game’s lawmakers – the USGA and R&A – on what an ‘acceptable’ pace of play is.
That’s probably adding to your frustration at this point if you’re a regular golfer who will inevitably have been stuck taking over 5, and sometimes, even up to 6 hours, to play a round of golf.
But when we look into the topic of ‘pace of play’ in more detail all of this is more understandable.
Because while our earlier estimates of how long a round of golf takes are fair many factors must be taken into account for each round. For example:
- Bigger groups of golfers will almost always require more time to complete each hole than smaller groups.
- Longer holes, particularly par 5’s, also inevitably increase the time required to play, while
- The walking distance ‘between’ greens and the next tee also affects the total time it takes to play a round.
And that’s before we think about what impact features of an individual hole, such as water hazards or very deep rough, can have on the time it takes players to take their shots.
To help courses manage pace however the concept of “time par” was developed.
Time par is defined as “… the allocated time expected for completing a specific set of holes, or the entire round” and it is through this that golf courses are advised to provide measurable pace guidelines, either through scorecards or signage, to help golfers understand what they should aim for.
As we’ve already noted the USGA and R&A don’t, and can’t because of the multitude of factors that can affect it, provide definitive data on how long a round of golf should take.
But based on the only example they provide in the ‘Pace of Play’ manual Golfing Focus has come up with the following estimates for how long different numbers of players can take to play an average par 3, par 4 and par 5.
Number of Players | Par 3s | Par 4s | Par 5s |
1 player | 7 mins | 8 mins | 10 mins |
2 players | 8 mins | 10 mins | 12 mins |
3 players | 9 mins | 12 mins | 14 mins |
4 players | 10 mins | 13 mins | 16 mins |
So if you want to estimate your round time based on your course’s set up and group size have a play around with our calculator below!
Golfing Focus ‘How Long Does a Round Take’ Calculator
Just remember though these estimates can only ever be a rough guide because as we’ll soon see several factors affect how a round of golf takes.
And despite what it may feel like when you’re out on the course it’s not players who are the main problem when it comes to slow play!
10 key factors affecting how long a round of golf takes
Bill Yates, the so-called Godfather of the pace of play, has spent thousands and thousands of hours studying the pace of play across the world.
To understand all the factors that contribute to slow play his great book “Out of Time”, which you can buy here on Amazon, is well worth a read but a summary of the key ones identified in the reports of the R&A and USGA are as follows:
- Time between groups – Insufficient intervals between tee times can create bottlenecks and increase waiting time.
- Group size – Larger groups generally take longer than smaller ones. But it is the poor management of the mix of these different groups throughout the day that causes long delays.
- Types of play – The type of game chosen on any given day has a direct impact on the pace of play. Stroke play, where players must complete every hole, is often slower. Faster formats include match play, Stableford, or foursomes.
- Tee options – Courses without varied tee options often slow down play, especially for higher-handicap players needing more options to avoid hitting less lofted, more difficult, clubs over obstacles such as water hazards and bunkers.
- Rough length – Severe rough often leads to slow rounds as long periods are spent looking for balls. Too long greenside grass can also cause problems as the difficulty of the resulting chip shot can mean two or more chips are needed to reach the nearby green.
- Green conditions – Fast or hard greens can cause long round times. Greens with severe slopes or holes cut on, or near, the slopes also impact the pace of play.
- Distances between greens and tees – Long walks or driving cart distances from a green to the next tee will add significantly to the time taken to play.
- Course obstacles – The more bunkers, water hazards, trees, bushes, rough etc a course has, and the harder it is to recover from these obstacles, the slower play is likely to be.
- Weather – Golf is a difficult sport to play. Add in rain and/or strong winds and it becomes even more so. A poor weather day can, as a result, have a major impact on the length of time it takes to complete a round.
- Player Ability and Behaviour – Poor player behaviour in relation to the pace of play (e.g. not being ready to play or knowing the rules) can create pace of play problems. Similarly, a player’s ability will affect the length of time a round takes as 4 golfers taking 90 shots, for example, will inevitably take longer than 4 golfers taking 70 shots.
As we can see therefore it is a common mistake to assume players themselves are the main cause of slow play.
There are many factors that can contribute to a slow round and many of them are there before the players have even arrived at the course!
And the most important of all these factors according to those who have studied the pace of play?
Overcrowding. It is the most common cause of rounds that take too long so the next time you find yourself complaining about the group up ahead for being too slow remember it may not be their fault you’re being held up.
25 ways to reduce the length of time a round of golf takes
So what can be done to ensure we can all enjoy a round of golf that doesn’t take too long?
Here’s a comprehensive list of proven strategies the experts have identified to speed up play:
- Empty starting intervals – Delays can be reduced or even cleared by having empty ‘starting intervals’ or ‘starter gaps’. Without the empty starting interval, the likelihood is that waiting on that hole will increase as the day goes on.
- Different starting options – Using different options to start play can also help deliver faster rounds. ‘Two tee starts’, where groups start from 2 different tees at the same time, or ‘Shotgun starts’, where groups start simultaneously from multiple tees are two options to get more players round more quickly.
- Limit Playing Group Sizes – A simple way to reduce the length of time it takes to play a round is to restrict the number of players in each group.
- Mix up different groups – If the mix of when different sized groups – two, three and four-balls – start their round through the day is not managed significant delays can result, as faster groups will want and expect to be let through larger and slower ones.
- Set a ‘time par’ for each hole – Similar to the concept of the ‘scoring par’ for a hole, ‘time par’ is the name for the standard length of time a group is expected to complete each hole. This gives groups a guide as to the pace they are expected to be playing at and can be printed on scorecards or signs for easy reference.
- Make use of course staff or volunteers – Golf course staff and volunteers can all have a positive impact on the speed of play. Check-in staff at the professional shop and starters, for example, can advise on the pace of play expectations at the course. Caddies also, if available, can help keep an eye on how quickly their group is playing.
- Positive communication with players – Good and clear communication with players by all means available is a key component in ensuring rounds do not take too long.
- Incentives for ‘good paced’ play – Courses can also consider introducing both penalties sanctions for slow play and/or incentives for play at a good pace. Penalties could include players being asked to leave the course or requiring attendance at a session on how to improve their pace of play. Incentives could include a free drink at the bar, a discounted item from the professional’s shop or even a reduced green fee for the next round.
- Varied tees for all abilities – A variety of tees, not labelled as ‘men’s’ or ‘women’s’, but able to be used by players according to their ability and/or hitting distances can help the pace of play. There is also evidence to suggest this increases player enjoyment.
- Widen fairways – Wider fairways can lead to easier shots for golfers from fairways and less time spent looking for lost balls in the rough.
- Easier rough – extending the first cut of rough (i.e. the grass immediately beside the fairway) and reducing its length overall, to make finding balls easier, are two further potential ways to help speed up play.
- Clear course signs – Simple and clear signs directing golfers, particularly visitors, can ensure everyone takes the quickest route around the course.
- Arrive prepared: Show up early with the necessary equipment, ready to play. This involves being prepared with essentials like extra balls, tees, gloves, and weather-appropriate clothing.
- Players maintaining ‘position’ on the course – Players should always be aiming to keep up with the group in front of them. For example, a group should not have an empty par 4 between them and the group ahead.
- Pick up balls when appropriate – If a player can no longer contribute to the game they are playing on a particular hole (i.e. their score no longers matters for that hole) they should pick up to help the pace of play.
- Be ‘ready to play’ – This means that a player, as long as they do not disturb another player or compromise anyone’s safety, should make themselves ‘ready to play’ while they wait for other players. This means the player assessing and deciding what their next shot will be, making a decision on club selection or lining up the putt.
- Aim to play in 20-40 seconds – Set a specific target for the time it takes from club selection to hitting the shot.
- Play ‘ready golf’ – Distinct from ‘ready to play’ is the concept of ‘ready golf’. This phrase covers several actions that can individually and together speed up play. Examples include hitting a shot before helping another player look for a lost ball, short hitters playing first if longer hitters are forced to wait and putting out even if it means standing close to someone else’s line. ‘Ready golf’ is however not appropriate in match play.
- Play a ‘provisional’ ball – Ball searches and lost balls cannot usually be avoided but they cause a delay. A player who thinks they may have hit a ball out of bounds or lost it should play a provisional ball. This stops the need to walk or drive back to the spot of their previous shot if indeed the ball is lost or out of bounds.
- Choose the right game at the right time – Golfers are in charge of who they play with, what the game will be and when they want to play. These choices impact how long a round will take. If players want to play strokeplay for example, the slowest form of the game, then ideally they should not play in a group of four. If players want to play quickly they can also consider choosing a quieter time of the day when the course is quieter.
- Watch every ball possible – Searching for lost balls cause delays. This problem can be reduced however if all players make an effort to watch both their own shots and each other’s as carefully and as often as possible.
- Be Helpful to Others in Your Group – As well as tracking shots and finding balls this can also include filling divots, or raking bunkers for fellow players.
- Be Efficient on the Putting Green – Specific recommendations for putting green efficiency, like marking and cleaning the ball upon arrival, leaving clubs close to the next tee, and recording scores only on the next tee.
- Position of bags or carts – When players approach the green, golf bags or carts should be positioned to allow for quick and efficient movement off the green towards the next tee.
- When Sharing a Cart, Use a Buddy System – Use an efficient approach to cart-sharing, such as dropping off one player at their ball and driving to the next, rather than waiting in the cart.
These are just some of the ways the length of time a round of golf takes to play can be reduced. But if you’ve got any more that are missing from this list please let us know what they are in the comments below.
We would love to hear them!
How Long Do 18 Holes Take to Play with Carts vs. Walking?
Golfers often wonder if using a cart speeds up play compared to walking.
In other words does it take longer to play 18 holes when you’re walking compared to with a cart?
The ‘Pace of Play’ manuals do not directly state that playing with a cart is faster than walking or vice versa. So by inference, we can assume that how long a round of golf takes by either means should be measured by the same ‘time par’ guide set out by the course.
What they do mention specifically however is that the factors affecting how long 18 holes take, and the ways that time can be reduced, are different when playing with carts.
For example, they state that the pace of play can be affected if carts are restricted to paths or if cart paths are only available on one side of the fairway.
This limitation can lead to extra walking back and forth by players to reach their ball, potentially slowing the game compared to walking directly to each shot.
In contrast, if carts are permitted on the fairways – turf conditions permitting – they can generally improve pace, especially on courses with longer distances between holes.
So, while carts can be faster in some scenarios, restricted cart access can sometimes lead to slower play than simply walking directly to each ball.
Whatever your take from the topic of the pace of play however and how frustrated you may find the game yourself when you get held up on a long round one final well-worn phrase is probably worth bearing in mind.
And that is “Don’t have time? Play nine!”.
Playing nine holes of brisk-paced golf when a full round of 18 may either be too slow for you or doesn’t fit your schedule is a great alternative.
And not only that it’s fully compatible with the Rules of Golf and the World Handicap System!
Before you go …
You may be looking at the estimates above for how long a round of golf takes and start thinking about the pros you watch on TV.
There is no way they come even close to these and seem happy to take almost a full day to play the same game we do.
Check out our next article on how long it takes pro golfers to play 18 holes to see how the pace of play topic is just as contentious amongst the top pros as it is with amateurs with some accusing others of cheating as a result!
More top articles related to this topic:
- What is Considered a Long Golf Course? The Long and Short of It
- How Far Should You Hit Your Wedges? Be Sure to Fill the Gaps!
- How Much Should You Pay for Golf Lessons? A Complete Guide
- Are You Average? A Complete Guide to Average Golf Handicaps
- Complete Guide to the Good, the Bad & the Ugly of Golf Scores
- 5 Fun Buddy Golf Trip Games for a Wide Range of Handicaps
2 responses to “How Long Does a Round of Golf Take – for 1, 2, 3 & 4 Players? (With Calculator)”
You state that 2 players should complete 18 holes in 3 hours but in the recent PGA Tournament it took each group of 2 around 4 hours and 25 minutes. Just like the no metal spike rules on courses across the US, I guess the rules don’t apply to professional golfers. When our group of 4 play courses around the US, we are pushed by the course staff to complete in 4 hours. We all us the forward tees and pick up if having a bad hole. We also putt out and don’t mark our balls on the greens unless in someone’s way. We’re doing everything we can to keep it moving.
I agree Dan, it’s very frustrating it appears the rules don’t apply to the pros. To be fair some of the top stars like Brooks Koepka have been vocal about slow play and some of the best players playing far too slowly and John Daly has certainly complained about it for years. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem that the powers that be are going to do anything about it though whilst we amateurs as you say seem to be always on the clock!
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