What Should You Wear Golfing? Do’s and Don’ts for Men & Women

I recently played golf with an old friend of mine who had not played for a number of years.

As we checked in with each other the day before to finalise arrangements he asked me what he should wear and whether any rules had changed. Having played golf regularly since I was 5 I must confess I had not consciously thought about this for a long time!

So, I did some brief research just to check I wasn’t going to embarrass us both by telling him the wrong thing about what you should wear golfing!

As a general rule men golfers should wear a collared polo shirt, long smart trousers other than jeans or above the knee shorts. Women golfers can wear collared polo shirts or blouses with trousers, capri pants, knee length skirts, shorts or skorts. Socks, golf shoes or trainers with good sole treads are also needed.

Now I know what you are thinking. I’ve seen golfers at different courses and on the TV and they have been wearing all sorts of things definitely not on that list.

That is undoubtedly true, and the reality is what you can wear very much can depend on where you are playing and what the rules of that venue are.

If you follow the main do’s and don’t below though you are unlikely to go wrong on almost any golf course and may indeed set a new golfing fashion trend without even meaning to!

[Top tip: If you are interested in some of the best selling golf clothing check them out on Amazon now:

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What to Wear Golfing and What You Should Not Wear

The main thing to think about when considering what to wear on a golf course is whether or not you look presentable and relatively smart.

If you do it is likely you are not going to go far wrong but golf often has a reputation for being a bit of an old fashioned sport so those new to the game can find themselves a bit intimidated when it comes to working out what they should wear and what they should not wear to golf.

And it can often feel that there are as many rules about which golf clothes as there are about actually playing the game.

So to help here is a list to let men golfers know what to wear when playing on a golf course:

  1. Collared polo shirt with sweater or rain jacket if more layers are needed
  2. Smart long slacks with belt loops or above knee shorts
  3. Any socks but white preferable if wearing shorts.
  4. Soft spike, spikeless golf shoes or trainers with good sole treads.
  5. Headgear such as baseball caps or visors are allowed

There are of course multiple combinations of golf clothes that you will find are ok to wear golfing but in general if you stick to this list until you learn all the ins and outs of golf clothing you will not go far wrong.

When it comes to what a man should not wear golfing the following list is a fair guide to help make sure you do not get asked to stop playing because you are wearing the wrong clothes!

  1. T-shirts, sports jerseys or tracksuit tops
  2. Jeans, tracksuit trousers, three quarter length and gym shorts
  3. Socks tucked into your trousers
  4. Flip flops, thongs or sandals and work shoes with a heel
  5. Sombreros, large hats and large and noticeable jewellery are best avoided.

It should be kept in mind also that both these lists are put together based on the assumption that you are playing on a golf course.

Golf clothes rules do not apply if you are simply heading to hit some balls at a public driving range.

There you can pretty much wear whatever you want within the bounds of public decency!

To try and make sure we have covered as many clothing items as we can though the table below [Amazon links included] gives a full and complete list of the key do’s and don’t when it comes to golf clothes for men.

Upper body1. Collared polo shirt – long or short sleeve – or turtleneck. And it is etiquette to tuck it in.
2. A vest, sweater, light jacket or wind shirt are all options if more layers are needed.
No T-shirts or sports jerseys.
No tracksuit tops.
No big banner or foul language advertisements on back or front.
No denim jackets or sweatshirts.
Lower body1. Smart long trousers or slacks with belt loops – e.g. Chinos or khaki. You don’t have to wear a belt but it typically makes you look smarter.
2. Shorts which fall just above your kneecaps.
Avoid jeans unless you know they are acceptable at the venue you are playing at.
No tracksuit trousers.
No three-quarter length shorts. With shorts, too long is considered sloppy.
No drawstring, soccer or running shorts.
Avoid gym shorts, cargo shorts, short shorts, or cut-offs.
Footwear1. Socks with trousers – Almost any standard sock is acceptable. You don’t want to notice your socks – i.e. don’t tuck your socks into your trousers!
2. Socks with shorts – wear socks, usually white, that go up to just below your ankle – i.e. low or no-show socks. Beware some courses (very few thankfully!) require long knee-high socks with shorts.
3. Shoes – Soft spike or spikeless golf shoes are best. If you do not have golf shoes a smart pair of sneakers or trainers will do but double-check with the course first.
No flip flops, thongs or sandals.
Avoid steel spike golf shoes. It is unlikely many golf courses will allow them due to the damage they do to greens but they can also be sore to wear after lots of walking.
Avoid work shoes with a heel as it can make an impression on the green and cause a mark that could throw a putt off-line.
HeadwearBaseball caps, visors and even cowboy or straw hats are all acceptable. No backwards caps
Avoid sombreros or large hats. They will not help you swing very well!
Extras1. Golf gloves – these are not required but golfers can find these help them grip the club better. Right-handed players wear gloves on the left hand and left-handed players wear gloves on the right hand.
2. Jewellery – wear tighter fitting, comfortable and durable jewellery. Bracelets, necklases or watches can all be worn but avoid expensive pieces as they can get damaged as you play.
3. And last but not least a golf bag. It is unlikely a golf course will allow you to carry a few clubs in your hand.
Avoid large and very noticeable jewellery. Do not wear large necklace chains outside your polo shirt for example. You won’t be able to swing very well for a start if you do!

For women golfers, the basic rules are pretty much the same and once again as long as you look smart you are likely to be ok.

There are some differences though based on additional clothing options female golfers have and to help here is an example list of what ladies and girls can wear to golf:

  1. Blouses or collared polo shirt. Sweater or rain jacket if needed.
  2. Capri pants, skorts, long trousers, or skirts or shorts not too far above knee.
  3. Low or no show socks.
  4. Soft spike, spikeless golf shoes or trainers with good sole treads.
  5. Baseball caps or visors are allowed.
  6. Comfortable, tighter fitting jewellery.

Once again this is not an exhaustive list of what women can wear to play golf but it should give you a rough idea of what is likely to be ok the first time you head to play on a golf course.

As for what female golfers should not wear to play golf the following list is a rough guide:

  1. T-shirts, halters, tank tops or sports jerseys
  2. Denim jackets or sweatshirts
  3. Sun dresses, sweat pants, mini-skirts and avoid jeans and leggings
  4. High heels,flip flops, thongs or sandals
  5. Large hats
  6. Very noticeable or expensive jewellery.

These lists are once more aimed at what ladies and girls should and should not wear when playing at a golf course rather than a public driving range where the rules are much more relaxed.

If you are still looking for a bit more detail however the table below [Amazon links included] gives a more comprehensive list of the key do’s and don’t when it comes to golf clothes for women.

Upper body1. Sleeved or sleeveless blouses with collars.
2. Collared polo shirt – long or short sleeve – or turtleneck.
2. A vest, sweater, light jacket or wind shirt are all options if more layers are needed
No T-shirts, halters, tank tops or sports jerseys.
No tracksuit tops.
No big banner or foul language advertisements on back or front.
No denim jackets or sweatshirts.
Lower body1. Capri pants, skorts (a combination of a skirt and shorts), or culottes are all acceptable.
2. Skirts where the bottom of the skirt doesn’t rise too far above the knee.
3. Smart long trousers or slacks with belt loops – e.g. Chinos or khaki.
3. Shorts again which are around knee length.
No sun dresses, sweat pants or tracksuit trousers.
No mini-skirts.
Avoid jeans unless you know they are acceptable at the venue you are playing at.
Avoid gym shorts, cargo shorts, short shorts, or cut-offs.
No drawstring, soccer or running shorts.
No leggings.
Footwear1. Socks – With shorts, skirts, capri pants or skorts, low (or no-show) socks are the most popular.
2. Socks with trousers – Almost any standard sock is acceptable.
3. Shoes – Soft spike or spikeless golf shoes are best. If you do not have golf shoes a smart pair of sneakers or trainers will do but double-check with the course first.
No flip flops, thongs or sandals.
Avoid steel spike golf shoes. It is unlikely many golfers will allow them due to the damage they do to golf greens but they can also be sore to wear after lots of walking.
Avoid work shoes with a heel as it can make an impression on the green and cause a mark that could throw a putt off-line.
HeadwearBaseball caps, visors and hats are all acceptable. No backwards caps
Avoid large hats. They will not help you swing very well!
Extras1. Golf gloves – these are not required but golfers can find these help them grip the club better. Right-handed players wear gloves on the left hand and left-handed players wear gloves on the right hand.
2. Jewellery – wear tighter fitting, comfortable and durable jewellery. Bracelets, necklaces or watches can all be worn.
And last but not least a golf bag. It is unlikely a golf course will allow you to carry a few clubs in your hand.
Avoid large, very noticeable and expensive jewellery as they can inhibit your swing or get damaged as you play.

As mentioned there will be exceptions to these core do’s and don’ts at certain golf clubs.

Also some of you will have noticed players like Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy have started wearing collarless polo shirts again for the simple reason that Nike tells them to and they make money.

So do you have to wear a collared shirt to golf?

As a general rule collared shirts are required at most golf courses to play golf. T-shirts and sports jerseys are usually not allowed except at a public driving range but every course can set its own rules and these should be checked to confirm what shirts you can and can not wear.

That is of course assuming your sponsor does not demand you wear a collarless one like Tiger and Rory!

Comfortable, Weather Appropriate, Golf Clothes Are Best

While you may think the most important thing is to keep up with the latest golfing fashion the key, in reality, is that it is most important that you feel comfortable on the golf course.

You need to be able to swing the golf club freely in whatever you choose to wear and potentially spend up to 4-5 hours walking around a course.

So select clothes that breathe well, you can be active in and don’t restrict your movement.

Like golf club design, golf clothes have developed hugely over the last 20 years or so.

I remember playing in thick, heavy polo shirts years ago which were boiling in the hot weather and could have doubled for a large tent they were so baggy but now there are lots of great options.

If you are playing in warm weather a synthetic material such as polyester microfiber will let sweat evaporate and keep you dry and cool. Avoid fibers that retain heat like wool also if it is hot.

If it’s a bit cooler cotton is always great to keep you feeling comfortable. Look also for form-fitting clothing that isn’t too loose, like my old tent-like polo-shirts, that will not restrict your swing movement.

If it is cold rather than cool, or wet, layers are the order of the day. A sweater, fleece vest, windbreaker or rain jacket are perfect. Under clothing such as polo or roll necks or even long underwear can keep you comfortable in the cold.

And don’t forget the woolly hat option for especially chilly days.

For the rain there are lots of options in water-resistant materials that will keep you dry but are also supple enough to let you swing the club well.

When it comes to the outer layers and especially rainwear fit is even more important than it is for regular golf clothes.

Oversized clothes are your enemy here as they will get in the way and not let you swing the golf club freely.

What to Wear Away From the Golf Course

One of the frustrating things I find about golf is that there in addition to the rules there are what you wear on the golf course there can then be yet more rules for what you should wear off the course.

So it can be important to check what you can wear off the course too before you arrive.

In some clubhouses, especially in the dining room, many golf clubs have a no jeans, no trainers and hats off policy. Some of the oldest golf clubs in the world also can have rooms where you can only go in if you are wearing a jacket and tie.

There will usually be other rooms where you can go for something to drink and eat after your round which are much more casual but it is worth checking before you arrive.

Thankfully on the driving range, where a lot of golfers go to practice, there are unlikely to be any rules (beyond what is allowed according to public decency of course!) about what you can wear.

So when you hit the range to hone your game you can throw all the do’s and don’ts out of the window and just wear what you want.

And that goes too for any practice in the comfort of your own home!

John Daly is never afraid to make a fashion statement with his Loudmouth golf clothes

It’s OK to Make a Golfing Fashion Statement

As I mentioned above there has been a huge advance in the golf clothing options available to players over the last number of years.

Some professionals, such as John Daly, have indeed made it their trademark to wear some outlandish clothing on the course. Others, such as the Royal and Awesome clothing company, have made it their stock in trade!

One thing to bear in mind though if you do want to make a fashion statement on the golf course.

Maybe make sure you are playing well! Some outlandish clothing will likely draw you some extra attention as you hit your first tee shot in front of the clubhouse so you don’t want to hit a bad one if a few extra people are watching you!

The main rule of thumb though as we have said is if in doubt call the golf course where you are going to play but do not worry too much. If you look casual and smart and feel comfortable and you will be fine.

And remember where you are playing golf is all-important when it comes to deciding the dress code for the day. At a practice driving range as we have noted you can wear whatever you want!

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Related questions

Are leggings appropriate for golf? Though some golfers, such as Michelle Wie, have worn leggings under her skirts the LPGA sent an e-mail to players in July 2017 advising leggings were not permitted. If in any doubt call the golf course where you are due to play to confirm their dress code rules.

Can I wear jeans to golf? Many courses do not allow golfers to wear jeans when playing or in the clubhouse. Some do however so it is not an absolute rule and can be checked at each course. Wearing comfortable clothes is critical for golf though and most players find jeans too tight and uncomfortable to wear when golfing.

2 responses to “What Should You Wear Golfing? Do’s and Don’ts for Men & Women”

  1. CrickeeChic avatar

    Are pajamas an acceptable driving range attire for ultimate comfort and relaxation, or is there a line that shouldn’t be crossed when it comes to dressing comfortably for practice?

    1. Graeme Hay avatar
      Graeme Hay

      I would say pyjamas are taking things a bit far. There are certainly comfortable but the general rule of thumb I would say is that they should be clothes that you would typically wear outside rather than inside. The driving range is certainly more relaxed dress code wise than golf courses but pyjamas as I say is taking it a bit far. Hope that helps 👍

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